Shawn Campbell - Sculptor

July 25, 2021

A young woman wearing a blouse made of leaves, a man of bark with branches for horns, a woman with a bird’s nest on her head … Shawn Campbell’s ceramic figures — human, animal, or both — have eyes that are present but not quite here. They are contemplative, sometimes lost, often sweet.

Shawn investigates the human frailties and the stories that connect us. The poetic power of her expressive figures evokes an emotional reaction in the viewer. Shawn’s sculptures speak with humor in their direct face-to-face presence. They are often ethereal, with an innocence that inspires the viewer to also create by supplying a backstory for the characters. In her sculptures and totems, we experience a mysterious vision of the world, a vision that includes a love of the eclectic. Shawn Campbell’s ceramic works suggest a vital interconnection between the human and non-human realms.  

And now during these challenging times Shawn has sculpted in clay 100 faces in 100 days, a tour de force of character invention. Watch the ArtTalk and find out why Shawn Campbell has taken on this ambitious endeavor, adding to her prolific legacy of 3D sculpture creations and totems.

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Illustration of the Phillips' Mill -Artist: Kathie Jankauskus