Emerging Playwright Competition Reading of Plays

November 20, 2021

Emerging Playwright Competition
Reading of Plays

Live Theater Returns for One Truly Magnificent Evening at the Mill

Each of the six winning plays from the 2021 Emerging Playwright Competition (EPC) was read LIVE at the Mill on November 20. The evening was a tremendous success—meticulously planned, well attended and much appreciated by all. 

A special thank you to all who gave their time to bring live theater safely back to the Mill. We also appreciate our general donors, without whom the program would not be possible. 

And a shout-out to the incredibly talented playwrights whose work was the star of the show. Here’s what this amazing and supportive group of writers had to say:

“I was so impressed by the quality of all the plays, and the actors were simply terrific. I have attended a lot of short play festivals, and this was definitely one of the best, if not THE best. Kudos to you and your committee for making this happen at such a high level.”   —Jeff Stolzer
“The plays were complex and wonderful, the performances more than honored each play. I loved hearing all the playwrights speak about their processes and plays.”   —Dominique Cieri
“Congratulations for your expert planning of the EPC festival. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in the theater. You were welcoming and encouraging to everyone involved. I appreciate your choice of a talented director and actors who brought our words to life. Thank you again for the honor of being one of your winners and the prize.”   —Sherry Freidman
“Your welcoming spirit, the way the evening was presented, the very talented actors and direction, the other playwrights selected, the audience—the judges! Thank you so much! You do it right.”   —Lynda Crawford

We hope you enjoy this gallery of photos (courtesy of Rita Roley) from the evening.

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Illustration of the Phillips' Mill -Artist: Kathie Jankauskus