Summer Fête at Phillips’ Mill

August 28, 2023

Summer Fête at Phillips’ Mill
Hip, Hip, Hurrah!

It was a glorious evening along the banks of the Primrose Creek—and actually in the creek itself, as the 2023 Mill Preservation Committee entertained guests with a brilliantly British affair. 

After being greeted by Morgan roadsters and crossing the bridge, guests selected their rubber ducks and cheered them on during the Rubber Ducky Regatta. For the next competition, the more energetic guests merrily heaved rubber boots up the Mill’s grassy slope in hopes of winning the Welly Wang. More cerebral contests involved guessing the weight of an iron anvil and guessing the number of tea bags in a jar.

The weather was perfect for al fresco dining, and Catering by Design provided a wonderful meal. To top it off, during dessert, guests were entertained by talented singers from the Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Bucks County.

All of this good fun and fine food was in service of raising money to preserve our historic 1756 mill. Over $36,000 had been raised before the fête, and more was donated at the event. Kathy Fernberger co-founded the Mill’s Preservation Fund, and so it was fitting that the event honored Kathy and her husband Ted, who have continually and generously supported this significant preservation effort. 

The final hurrah goes to Jane Ford-Hutchinson. Although Jane joined the Mill less than a year ago, she accepted the demanding role of preservation committee chair, assembled a committee of both highly experienced and very new Mill members, and guided them through all the planning and preparation that led to the very successful Summer Fête of 2023.

We thank our all our generous donors, who contributed to our preservation fund. It is never too late to make a donation of any size. Your support is much appreciated.

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Illustration of the Phillips' Mill -Artist: Kathie Jankauskus