An Enchanted Evening Along the Primrose Creek

June 28, 2022

The Mill’s Special Social Events Are Back—Singing and Swinging!

An Enchanted Evening Along the Primrose Creek

Enchanted Evening at the Mill - Fairy Clipart

On Midsummer’s Night (June 24) the Mill lawn was the setting for a merry rendition of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Mill members and their guests dined amid a sparkling, magic forest where lively actors performed a delightfully bowdlerized version of Shakespeare’s popular comedy. Minstrels enhanced the festive atmosphere with peppy pop music, as did the audience with its hearty laughter and happy heckling.  

The filled-to-capacity crowd, cabaret-style outdoor dining, and lively social mingling across tables continued the long tradition of a vibrant social community at the Phillips’ Mill.

The Cast
Back,L-R: Lee Middleberg (drums), Severin Fowles (Duke of Athens), Madison Branch (Amazon Queen), Leslie Crilley (FairyQueen), John Roley (Other Guy), Cecilia Laidman (Tall Girl), Rita Roley (Lovely), Betty Benton (Tinkerbell), Joe Phillips (Fairy King), Tim Wade (Puck). Front: Barry Middleberg (guitar), Grover Stults. (Guy). Also in the show: Jeno Seitz as the irreverent Bottom, David Hewitt as Lovely’s authoritative father, and Patrick Fowles, Narrator, who connected our brief excerpts from Shakespeare’s play into a catchy, coherent whole.


The Special Events Committee produced the show and members of the Drama Committee made it come alive with their sparkling performance. Many Mill members pitched in, but special kudos go to Betty Benton, who directed the cast; Mary Fowles, who wrote the script and playbill; David Hewitt, who helped guide the event; Ellie Moskowitz and Angela Franco, who made the ass’s head for the character Bottom; Stephanie O’Connor, for overall management; Jennifer Un for welcoming guests and checking them in; and Joe Phillips, for going above and beyond to create the perfect venue for a lovely evening.

The sell-out audience enjoying the show

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Illustration of the Phillips' Mill -Artist: Kathie Jankauskus