A Creative & Meaningful Way to Support the Art Show

August 10, 2022

The Mill annually presents Mill-funded awards including the three Patrons' Awards for Painting, for Drawing, Pastel or Printmaking, and for Sculpture. It also presents a bevy of awards established and supported by patrons with specific interests or people in mind.

Eleanor Miller has been a member of the Mill for decades and has supported the "Award for Sculpture in Memory of Shaun Miller," her late husband, for many years. Bridget Wingert, editor and founder––with her late husband––of the Bucks County Herald has done the same, supporting the "The Bucks County Herald Award in Memory of Joseph T. Wingert."

A new memorial award was established this year and for the next five years by Sally Drayer in honor of her lifelong friend Jack Staub, who she described as "a man of many talents who graced any community he lived in with his wit, charm, his boundless artistic energy and his generosity. An actor, an advertising executive, playwright, gourmet cook and a world class gardener, lecturer and garden writer, he loved Bucks County and its rich artistic traditions.”

Other awards reflect artistic and family interests like the "Crystal Springs Farm Award" given for many years by Kathy and Ted Fernberger, the "Award for a Painting of an Interior Scene" given by Diana and Jim Resek, and the "Award for a Realistic Bucks County Landscape" given by Maureen and Bill Harvey. Still others combine both aspects like the "Award for Abstract Painting in Memory of Julia Spedding" given by Carol and Jim Stinnett and the "Award for a First Time Exhibitor in Memory of Russell P. Gilsdorf" given by Pat and Bruce Hamilton"

All of these awards, some new, some given for many years by longtime Phillips' Mill supporters, are deeply appreciated by the Art Show Committee, the Phillips' Mill Board, and most importantly, by the artists who receive them. Establishing an artist award is a deeply meaningful way of supporting and becoming a part of the Mill's history. Patrons at the $500 and above level are invited to discuss such an award with the show's organizers. If establishing this type of support is of interest to you, please contact Annsi Stephano at annsikta@gmail.com. We look forward to and welcome your participation.

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Illustration of the Phillips' Mill -Artist: Kathie Jankauskus